You are here: Getting Around Jiwa

Getting Around Jiwa

This section covers what you need to know to help you get started:

Copyright © 2012 Jiwa Financials. All rights reserved.

Logon To Jiwa

New Connections


Windows Authentication

Manage Connections

Setting a Warehouse

Entering Data

Main Menu

Defining the Ribbon

Ribbon or Toolbar

Navigating Around Jiwa

Editing Keys

Selecting from a List Box


Dollar Amounts

Search Windows

Defining Search Ribbon

Ribbon or Toolbar

How To Search

Using Filters

Applying Filters

Creating New Filters

Editing Filters

Deleting Filters

Other Search Options

Quantity in Search

SSC Matrix

Customising Forms

Use Custom Columns

Use Custom Tabs

Closing Forms

Searching the Database

Search Form Defined

Example of a Search

Searching for Journals

Copy & Paste to Excel